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'The Baker' - Career (Instagram) Image

Writer's picture: Annabella BurdônAnnabella Burdôn

So I have recently decided that I'll be doing a 'career' theme for my latest instagram photo posts, because I am not busy enough *already.*

What spiked this decision is firstly, the amount of interest my 'the photographer' post had on my audience:

I have found that once there is a theme in mind, such as 'career: photographer,' it's easier to document a story in the image itself. The image becomes a visual text; something that the audience can read, and be unconsciously ushered into imagining the world captured in that image. Pretty cool, really.

Another thing that I LOVE about the 'career' theme is that there is so much opportunity to dress up in work/sophisticated/classic outfits. Many of my previous posts are a little on the 'whimsical' side of things, which without a delicate dress, would appear rather odd.

Second of all, another piece of inspiration for the 'career' theme is the photography of Amberly Valentine. Haven't heard of her? You're missing out. Her instagram handle is @amberlyvalentine and her works take you back in time, all while holding a marvellous amount of elegance you'd likely see in a Dior advertisement.

STUNNING (@amberlyvalentine):

So as you can see, I was heavily inspired by this shoot. I loved everything about it. Especially that my first impression was that it was perhaps photographed in a European country. Until on second glance, the Fern trees can be seen hidden in the background.

Definitely not Europe.

BUT that is what makes the photograph even more EXCITING.

As a photographer, there is so much potential to trick the viewer into imagining an outside world, when really, you're right next door (I am in Australia (Canberra), and most of my Instagram followers are too (Well, technically Melbourne, but same-same)).

Fortunately, to imitate the European look (who needs to travel anyway, Covid?), my parents have a beautiful home that holds many European features.

Here is the Behind the Scenes image from 'The Baker': Not really what you were expecting? The table I was working off was SUPER tiny. I borrowed them both, as i don't have any wooden tables that would fit into the space. The ones I managed to collect are, in fact, made for three year olds.

The balcony in itself is tiny too. Which worked well, as it meant there was less for me to do in terms of making the set look realistic. The vines were super helpful!

OKAY, so here is the image before ANY editing:

Straight off the bat, I thought that the leaves were very distracting. The green is vibrant as ever, and is screaming for attention. As much as the viewers eye may wish to analyse the story being told, it will constantly feel a pull *by the vibrant green* to look away.

So after some editing (there really wasn't much), here is the FINAL!:

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